


User Files

This page is dedicated to posting custom frequency lists that may be useful to CTR-Remote users. These files are in .CSV (Comma Separated Values) format and can opened and modified in popular spreadsheet programs such as Excel.

Click on the hyperlink to download the file. Once you download it to your PC, copy it to the folder on your Pocket PC containing your frequency list and log files.

If you have list files that you have put together that you'd like to share, send them to us and we'll post them on this page.

UK Repeaters from Russell, G1NUU - contains a detailed listing of the repeaters in the UK complete with offsets and tone frequencies.

UK VHF Beacons - contains a list of VHF beacons in the UK

International Calling Frequencies from Lynn, KU7Q - contains a detailed listing of suggested calling frequencies from the www.ac6v.com web site.


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