



PC Bluetooth Configuration

Will CTR-BlueLync work with PC based programs?

Yes, CTR-BlueLync will work with many PC based radio control programs, including Ham Radio Deluxe and 817 Commander. The only caveat is that the program must be "Bluetooth aware", that is, it must be able to detect and use Bluetooth virtual ports.

Programs written using older serial port libraries may not be able to detect the presence of a Bluetooth port properly.

I have had success with BlueSolei, a Bluetooth management program. This program create virtual COM ports that connect to CTR-BlueLync devices and supports multiple connections.

NOTE: The major difference with using CTR-BlueLync on a PC instead of a Pocket PC is that you must establish the Bluetooth connection FIRST on the PC, before you go on-line with your CTR program. On the PPC the CTR program must establish the connection when you go on-line.


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